As our parents reach their senior years, cognitive decline is a greater concern, and it’s important to watch for the signs of dementia. While your family may try to care for a senior parent with dementia, that responsibility can be overwhelming. In addition to helping your family cope with the situation, here are a few other reasons to consider hiring a top home care agency in the Philadelphia area to help care for your elderly parent.

Keep Your Loved One at Home

While moving your senior parent into an assisted living facility is one option, seniors with dementia often deteriorate faster in unfamiliar settings. It can be much more beneficial to allow your parent to stay in their home where they feel comfortable. They’ll be less likely to develop depression or anxiety, which are conditions that can increase the severity of dementia-like symptoms. Additionally, the familiar environment will help them hang onto their memories for longer. Staying at home and being surrounded by their own things will also give them a stronger sense of security, so irrational fears can be better managed.

Adhere to Familiar Routines

Familiarity is important in every aspect of daily life for someone suffering from dementia, and this includes sticking to routines to which they have grown accustomed. When you use the services of a top home care agency in the Philadelphia area, you can feel assured that your senior parent will be able to stick to their normal routine. In addition to helping a client with daily hygiene, nutrition, and medication requirements, a home care professional will also assist the individual in performing their daily routines. In this way, they provide companionship and familiarity, while also ensuring the safety of the individual.

Benefit From Specialized Training

People suffering from dementia exhibit behavioral changes as a result of the cognitive decline that the condition causes. This can include forgetfulness and confusion, mood swings, and spontaneous wandering. The training that a home care specialist receives prepares them to deal with these situations in a compassionate and effective way. They know how to communicate with a confused or frustrated elder to protect them from the harm they might otherwise cause to themselves. They also know how to help a confused elder break down a task into smaller steps so it won’t seem as complex or intimidating.

If you’re interested in learning more about what a top home care agency in the Philadelphia area can do to help you care for your senior parent, call us today! Our representatives at Right Aid Home Care Agency can answer any questions you may have about home care services. They can also help you get started in getting the assistance you need to care for your senior parent in their own home.